Saturday, 27 September 2014


There have been many changes to several open house dates. See the link here

Earlscourt Park

This week we took a neighbourhood walk to a local park to meet some Geography curriculum expectations. While here the students were responsible for mapping out the facilities offered at the park. This activity was a way for the students to become cartographers and design thematic maps.

Saturday, 20 September 2014

Heroic Adventures Unit

Over the past three weeks, in Language, your child has been learning about themes such as The Quest, Heroes and Heroism, Overcoming Obstacles and Journey's End. Through reading profiles, articles, news reports, and poetry the students have been building their schema as to what traits and/or qualities constitute a hero.
Here are two student reports on specific athletes that could be considered heroes.

Number Relationships

Over the past three weeks, your child has been exploring and learning about number relationships such as multiples, factors, scientific notation, powers of numbers, and square roots. 

You may want to visit the Nelson Web site for more suggestions to help your child learn mathematics and develop a positive attitude toward learning mathematics.

Saturday, 13 September 2014

Ontario Comprehension Assessment (OCA)

The students wrote their first of two Ontario Comprehension Assessments (OCA) this week. This resource helps to link assessment to explicit reading strategy and skills instruction. In essence, it provides a general understanding to teachers as to how to move forward with lessons and instructing their students to improve on their Language Arts skills of literal thinking, inferential thinking and making connections.

Key Principles of Catholic Social Teaching - September

This week the class learned more about the virtue of hospitality. We examined the meaning behind the quote of the month, "Whatsoever you do to the least of my people, that you do unto me" (Matthew 25:40). As well, we deconstructed the song "Whatsoever you do to the least of my brothers", focusing on what hospitality looks like and feels like.  Furthermore, we defined and created posters for one of the Ontario Catholic School Graduate Expectations, that being an effective communicator. An effective communicator is one who speaks, writes and listens honestly and sensitively, responding critically in light of gospel values.   

Sunday, 7 September 2014

High School Information


Parent Transition Guide,  Student After8 and Ministry of Education’s, “What do I need to graduate from high school.”

Student After8 website

What Are You Teaching The World?

A refreshing beginning of the school activity was to listen to a pep talk from
none other than one of YouTube's viral sensations - Kid President.

Take a minute to watch what he has to say to teachers and students here

Saturday, 6 September 2014

Strong Classroom Statement

Please select the link to access the document for printing here.

Strong Classroom Statements
A Grade 8 Contractual Agreement
On this first day of school
I sign my name to the following, and agree to each of the statements.
  1. We respect one another.
  2. We have compassion for one another.
  3. We are part of a peaceful and safe classroom environment.
  4. We belong to our learning community and classroom.
  5. We all recognize the worth of others.
  6. We respect the worth of others.
  7. We trust each other.
  8. We are consistent in our behaviour.
  9. We depend on one another.
  10. We do what we say we will do.
  11. We are responsible for our own behavior.
  12. We help one another.
  13. We accept consequences for our actions.
  14. We forgive one another.
  15. We treat others as we would want to be treated.
  16. We listen and follow instructions.
  17. We do our best at all times.
  18. We are honest with ourselves and others.
  19. We keep our desk and surrounding area clean and tidy.
  20. We respect the property of others.
  21. We respect the feelings of others.
  22. We respect all teachers and members of the St. John the Evangelist community equally.
  23. We complete all assigned work, and come to school each and every day with a positive attitude towards learning.
  24. We have all the necessary supplies needed each day in order to learn and succeed.
  25. We remember the idea that God is inside everyone.
Student’s Signature:___________________________
Parent’s Signature:_____________________________
Teacher’s Signature:___________________________